Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ruins of Anuradhapura

[edit] Eight Great Places of Veneration in Anuradhapura - Atamasthana

The Bodhi Tree at the Sri Maha Bodhiya is protected by several other satellite trees.

[edit] Other structures

[edit] Other ruins

In the sacred city of Anuradhapura and in the vicinity are a large number of ruins. These have not been identified properly and many have been destroyed either by Tamil invaders or by vandals. Neither the tourists nor the pilgrims had paid much attention to these ruins and information regarding this is meager. Although Avukana is not situated in the sacred city of Anuradhapura, the pilgrims never fail to pay homage to this statue.

[edit] Demographics

Ethnicity Population % Of Total
Sinhalese 51,775 91.42
Sri Lankan Moors 3,825 6.75
Sri Lankan Tamils 850 1.50
Indian Tamils 45 0.08
Other (including Burgher, Malay) 137 0.24
Total 56,632 100

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