Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sri lanka Navy Commander

                Vice Admiral TSG Samarasinghe, RSP, VSV, USP, ndc, psc, DISS

Vice Admiral TSG Samarasinghe having joined the Sri Lanka Navy in 1974 as an Officer Cadet won the “Sword of Honour” of the 4th Intake at the Naval & Maritime Academy Trincomalee. He also achieved the Best International Midshipman award at Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth UK in 1976 along with the prestigious appointment of Divisional Sub Lieutenant. Vice Admiral TSG Samarasinghe is a Specialist Navigator graduated from Navigation and Direction school INS Venduruthy India securing 1st place in order of merit.

He has held number of key appointments both afloat and ashore. His sea commands include Short Patrol Craft, Long Patrol Craft, Fast Attack Craft (one of the first two Dovra Israel craft to join the SLN fleet in 1985), Fast Gun Boats, Surveillance Command Tender and Surveillance Command Ship (Then Flag Ship). He counts over 7 years of sea time out of which over 4 ½ years in command at sea. He has commanded an operational shore base in the North and been Commandant and Training Commander of two premier training establishments in addition to holding key Staff and Deputy Director / Director appointments at Naval Headquarters.

Having served as the Deputy Area Commander of Northern and Eastern Naval Areas during operationally active periods and also the Southern area, he was appointed Commander of Southern Naval Area in 2002. He has the distinction of being the first Director General Services (2004) whilst concurrently holding the appointments of Director Naval Projects & Plans, the Naval Assistant to Commander of the Navy and Principal Staff Officer of the Joint Operations Headquarters under Chief of Defence Staff. He has led Naval Delegations to India, Russia, Israel and USA (1995 – 2006) on bilateral issues.

In addition to being a distinguished graduate of the Naval Staff College (Class 38) from Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island – USA in 1991, Vice Admiral is an award winning distinguished graduate from the prestigious National Defence College – New Delhi in 2005 (45th Course)

His award winning thesis on “Strategy to Defeat Maritime Terrorism” at National Defence College – Delhi and seminar paper on Indo – Sri Lanka “Sustainable Cooperative Security Challenges and Options” at National Maritime Foundation – India are published documents.

While holding the Rank of Commodore, he participated in the Executive Course on Security Studies in 2003 at Asia Pacific Centre for Security studies, Hawaii, USA. He was recognized as a Distinguished Graduate from among 91 students from different countries.

He is a recipient of 05 commendations letters from four Commanders of the Navy (1977 to 2006)

He was also selected to be a member of Presidential and Prime Ministerial delegations on state visits to Libya (2009) and Indonesia (2006) respectively.

With the start of the humanitarian operations to liberate the East and North he was made the Acting Commander Northern Naval Area (Dec 2005), Director General Operations – NHQ (2006), Commander Eastern Naval Area (2007), Commander Northern Naval (2008). During the period LTTE floating arms warehouses were destroyed he was the Director General Operations and Commander Eastern Naval Area 2006 to 2008. He was elevated to the post of Chief of Staff in May 2009. He is a recipient of Rana Sura Padakkama (RSP) for gallantry at sea, Vishista Seva Vibhushana (VSV) in recognition of his devotion, dedication to the country with an unblemished career record and Uttama Seva Padakkama (USP) for meritorious and distinguished service.

Sport Assignments :

            •    Represented Sri Lanka Navy at Cricket (1978 to 1988)
            •    Chairman of Sri Lanka Navy       - Cricket (1998)
                                                               - Rugby (1986 to 1989 and 2004)
                                                               - Athletics (1984)
                                                               - Musketry(1997)
            •    Council Member of the Sri Lanka Rugby Football Union (2004)

National Assignments :

            •    Selected as Aide-de-Camp (ADC) to
His Royal Highness Prince of Wales during his state visit to Sri Lanka for 50th Anniversary Independence Day Celebrations 1998.
            •    Pioneering member of
National High Level Task Force to prepare the Sri Lanka's claim for Delimitation of the Outer Edge of Continental Margin as per UNCLOS Article 76 and Annex II. DEOCOM Project 1999 onwards.
President of National Rifle Association for 10th SARRC Games - 2006.
He is an Old Boy of Royal College, Colombo
(1960 – 1974) with the following record.

            •    Senior Prefect (1973 – 74)
            •    Regimental Sergeant Major
                 (03rd Battalion Sri Lanka Cadet Corps – 1973)
            •    01st XI Cricket (1972 – 74)
            •    Athletics colour – 1972
            •    Captain ‘A’ Team Cricket – 1973
            •    Vice Captain Senior Athletics Team – 1973

He is the second son of Mr. Francis Samarasinghe, of former Sri Lanka administrative service and Mrs. Umawathie Samarasinghe former teacher of Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda. His parent hail from Palatuwa, Malimbada and Puhulwella, Hakmana. He is married to Malathie and blessed with daughter Nadeesha (18) and son Harith (13).

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